GüterHalle für Alle
offers space for your ideas!
Let's get to work!
The city's call for proposals for the Kopfbau building of the Alter Güterbahnhof ensemble has been published
We are preparing our application and are looking for your support,
whether symbolically, as a supporter or donor:
Subscribe to our newsletter; further information will follow shortly.
GüterHalle für Alle Newsletter:
Contact the GüterHalle für Alle initiative: gueterhallefueralle@gmail.com
What is the GüterHalle für Alle?
We are an initiative of inhabitants of Tübingen and many direct residents who like the currently vacant Alter Güterbahnhof area in the Eisenbahnstraße to become a lively and colorful place and meeting point for people from near and far. This hall in the center of the Güterbahnhof district, which can also become a center of the Südstadt and the whole city of Tübingen, should become a hall for everyone - a "GüterHalle für Alle"!
Photo selection Güterhalle and basement (May 2021):
We are looking for interested parties
art and culture in the
Goods hall for everyonebring to!
Space for studios/rehearsal rooms/workshops/etc.
Here you can find themSupporter Videosand aSelection of your previous ideasfor a goods hall for everyone.
Thank you for your support!